Professional Nutrition Program

CHEW Nutrition LogoThe KC Hockey program is focused on developing well-rounded athletes as part of a holistic program. This includes building strength, teaching on-ice skills, mental resilience, and ensuring athletes are fit and healthy. Central to this is good nutrition – which is also one of the most common areas where young athletes face challenges.

To support our KC families we have partnered with CHEW Nutrition to provide professional nutrition information that is specifically tailored for young athletes and their families. The program will be delivered by CHEW’s Registered Dietitian Murphy McIntosh who is passionate about helping demystify nutrition facts vs fiction and whose approach is built on developing healthy habits while still enjoying foods we love. CHEW stands for “Create Habits, Eat Well” and Murphy is a firm believer in creating healthy habits while still enjoying foods we love.

Murphy and CHEW Nutrition will be delivering seminars to KC’s elite teams, and throughout the season we willl be posting helpful information that everyone can use on this page and on social media, and you can also follow CHEW Nutrition for more information directly from them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Special Offer: CHEW Nutrition is offering a special discount for KC families who would like a personalized consultation. Please contact them directly to schedule a session or for more information.