Knights of Columbus (KC) Hockey is Edmonton’s only city-wide provider of organized minor hockey from Timbits to U18. KC Hockey is made up of seven separate clubs who manage and administer the House programs, and the KC Athletics Club which manages the Rep/Elite Program.
KC Hockey is founded on the belief that amateur sports teaches young people lessons that help them develop into strong athletes and grow into adults with strong character. The focus of KC Hockey is player development as part of a team, and on sportsmanship and the values that go along with athletic success: hard work, dedication, commitment and selflessness.
The contest lasts for moments, though the training’s taken years,
It wasn’t the winning alone that was worth the work and the tears,
The applause will be forgotten, the prize will be misplaced,
But the long hard hours of practice will never be a waste.
For in trying to win you build a skill,
You learn that winning depends on will,
You never grow by how much you win,
You only grow by how much you put in,
So any new challenge you’ve just begun,
Put forth your best and you’ve already won.
– W.J. Clennan